Swanage Pier Volunteer Recruitment Day

🗓️ Saturday 18th May 2024

Come along to Swanage Pier this Saturday to find out how you could get involved in the life of the pier.

There are plenty of volunteer roles available, including:

  • Gate duty
  • Fundraising & events
  • Shop assistant
  • Educational visits
  • General maintenance
  • Roaming volunteer

Swanage Pier relies on its friendly volunteering team, who collectively provide hundreds of hours of help and support each month, and wants to hear from new people who might have a few hours to spare, whether you’re a student, retired – or anything in between!

  • Timings: 10am – 2pm (just drop in and have a chat)

Find out more about volunteering on the pier online: https://www.swanagepiertrust.com/volunteering.aspx