🗓️ Friday 7th – Sunday 9th June 2024
It’s Swanage Railway’s second Strictly Bulleid event this June – a celebration of the 1940s Southern Railway Bulleid Pacific steam locomotive.
Bulleid Pacifics hauled passenger services from London to Swanage for nearly 20 years before being re-utilised in the 1960s for carrying Purbeck ball clay between Corfe Castle and Wareham.
Most of the 67-ft-long, 96 tonne locos will run the four-mile track beyond Norden for this special event.
There will be six Pacifics across the weekend:
- 34081 92 Squadron
- 34028 Eddystone
- 34070 Manston
- 35006 Peninsular & Oriental S. N. Co.
- 34092 City of Wells
- 34072 257 Squadron
Ticket prices depend on the day you’re travelling, and you have the option of buying a one-day or two-day Rover ticket.
Children are discounted and under fives go free.
Find out more and book via the Swanage Railway website: www.swanagerailway.co.uk/events/view/strictly-bulleid-ii