Smiling Seas Quiz Night

🗓️ Saturday 10th February 2024

Kimmeridge-based beach-clean initiative Smiling Seas is holding its second winter quiz night to help raise funds to further its work.

Smiling Seas is a non-profit organisation that aims to raise awareness of plastic pollution in our seas around the Jurassic Coast and organises local beach cleans to help preserve habitats for wildlife and improve the seaside experience for local people and visitors to the area.

  • Start time – 6.30pm
  • Tickets – £5 (cash only)
  • Venue – The Etches Collection

Proceeds from the evening will go toward beach-cleaning equipment such as litter-pickers, bags and PPE for volunteers, as well as the costs involved in the storage and disposal of waste found.

It will also go toward the upkeep of the small rib donated to Smiling Seas, which allows the team to collect plastics and rope found further out in the bay and in neighbouring bays.

In addition to the quiz, there will be a raffle with prizes donated by local people and businesses, and refreshments included – bring your own alcohol.

Book your place

Find out more and book your space by emailing:

Keep up to date with Smiling Seas’ latest beach cleans and news by following on social media: