🗓️ Wednesday 5th June 2024
Come along and have your say about Swanage’s beach and bay today.
The drop-in session is being held by Dorset Coast Forum & Litter-Free Dorset to gather your thoughts on a range of aspects and issues that will help inform future projects in the area.
Any input on the following is welcome:
- Favourite parts of the beach
- Accessibility
- Facilities
- Favourite activities
- Water cleanliness
- Litter
- Times: Drop in any time between 1pm – 6pm
- Location: Shore Place (next to Swanage Information Centre)
If you can’t make it today, you can fill in a short survey online to share your thoughts: www.dorsetcoasthaveyoursay.co.uk/lfd-dcf-recreation-survey-across-dorset